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compression line中文是什么意思

用"compression line"造句"compression line"怎么读"compression line" in a sentence


  • 压缩线


  • Most sedimentation compression lines are located above the intrinsic compression lines ; their locations depend on the sedimentation condition and the action after sedimentation
  • The sedimentation compression lines , intrinsic compression lines can be normalized by a void index , then the difference of the structural clays and reconstituted clays are showed
  • Most sedimentation compression lines of natural clays are located above the intrinsic compression lines of reconstituted clays ; theirs locations are dependent on the sedimentation condition and the action after sedimentation
  • The sedimentation compression lines of natural clays , intrinsic compression lines of reconstituted clays and oedometer compression curves can be normalized by a void index , then the difference of the structural clays and reconstituted clays as well as the gradual damage course of soil structure are showed apparently
用"compression line"造句  
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